
About Tiara Sune

About a million years ago, I was a HUGE anime fan. Were talking not just the DVRs/VHS (does anyone remember what those are?), OSTs, mangas, but wall scrolls, posters, art-books, and so on. But as time past, I left anime to the side and found TV. Sure at the time, this was American TV. I had at least three shows almost every night I was invested in. The person who created DVR is a god I tell you.

A few years back, a friend of mine was telling me about a site full of anime (new and old). I told my friend "I just haven't found an anime series which tickled my fancy". Again my friend said "here is the website go to it and see if anything looks good".

That night I found an older series call Boys Over Flowers. It was very cheesy, fun, and hit all the good parts I was looking for in an entertaining series. I google the series and found out there was a live action series of the same name. Another google search and found away to watch it.

I was about Episode 1 in and was glued to the computer screen. Great balls of fire!!! The walk with the Pretty Boys of F4 is a bust out laughing moment. Oh the music, Almost Paradise, is something I starting belting out at every turn in my daily life. Yep got the weird looks from co-workers, friends, family.  That song is just annoying, wonderful, and horrible at the same time.

Now this could have been my first and last time watching any Korean drama again if it wasn't for Goong. It sounded interesting about a modern day Cinderella with a poor nobody girl and a handsome prince are force to marry and watch the wackiness ensure. SOLD!!!

Next thing I found was Dramafever, Viki.com, Kpop, other Asian Dramas, and more. This started my binge watching of all these past Dramas. For about a year, I was just eating up all these older Dramas. Heartstrings was my first drama to watch as it currently was airing in Korea. Yeah not the best to start out but it could always be worst.

Why the blog? I wanted a place to criticize and/or comment with memes, thoughts, and really anything I was in mood to talk about my obsession with Korean Dramas, Asian Dramas, Kpop, and so on. If you have read this far down give yourself a point. I hope you have fun, enjoy, and join in on my rambling.

Come as a guest and stay as a citizen. 

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