Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 19 (30 Day Challenge)

Which Drama should have a second season?

 This is a little hard for me. One of the reasons I enjoy Asian dramas is for the shorten of the series. Asian dramas are like books. It tells a beginning, middle, and an end. The conflict of the drama is solved and for the most part a HEA is given to our leads. 

With that being said I would love to see a second season of Goong. Lot of stuff happen by the end of the drama. Our Princess was kicked out of the country due to her husband and her not on the same page. Our Crown Prince/Husband gave up the throne to his sister since he never really wanted it in the first place. 

Our young couple finally understood each other and their feelings and wanted to try their marriage anew. A wedding with Royal Grandma in toe seemed like a nice ending until ... yep you guest it. Almost throwing up. 
Well Hello BABY!!! or is it just a fake out troupe? We will never know for sure since a second season never happened. The drama is based off a manga so it isn't like it doesn't have some source material. I would like to see our young royals deal with a real marriage and whatever the throw-up means. Of course, the political stuff thrown in would be ideal.  

My second drama I would love to see a second season Bubu Jingxin or Scarlet Heart. Sure there is a "some what" second season going to air next year but it isn't the second season I WANT. The ending of this drama had Zhang Xiao waking up in the present after being Ma'ertai Ruoxi in the past. She lived as Ruoxi during the Qing Dynasty. 

Sadly she ended up dying and her spirit/soul went back to her body in the present. Wondering if what she experienced was real or just a dream, she ends up visiting a museum seeing a Kangxi Emperor portrait that resembles her. A look-a-like of her beloved in the Qing Dynasty, Yinzhen, is also visiting the museum but doesn't recognize Zhang Xiao. He evening asks her if she knows him. Instead she lets him go without replying to him. 

Well crap, I want the second season to start with her and him being fated in this lifetime to not have a crappy end. He starts to remember his love in his past life and so on. 

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